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发布日期:2025-01-03 19:37    点击次数:122

我的答案:1、Systemic lupus erythematosus 2、Women of childbearing age most often get lupus, but anyone of either sex, or any age can get it3、Other symptoms may include being very tired, being very sensitive to the sun, weight loss, anemia, hair loss, sores in the mouth, muscle aches, and loss of appetite.4、Sometimes a biopsy of the skin can help with the diagnosis. 5、Drugs that prevent malaria are also used for symptoms of the skin or joints. 6、It is important to have pneumonia and flu shots, to prevent an infection.我的造句:The symptoms of diabetes mellitus vary from time to time, and from person to person. For one person, DM may start with very mild symptoms, while for another person it may start with very serious ketoacidosis.我的翻译:1、新生儿狼疮为一种罕见的狼疮类型,多见于其母亲患狼疮的情况。2、治疗狼疮药物服用及疗程都应仅遵医嘱。3、减压可通过运动、放松、冥想及优先变通来实施。我的答案:1. Systemic lupus erythematosus 2. Women of childbearing age most often get lupus, but anyone of either sex, or any age can get it. 3. Other symptoms may include being very tired, being very sensitive to the sun, weight loss, anemia, hair loss, sores in the mouth, muscle aches, and loss of appetite. 4. Sometimes a biopsy of the skin can help with the diagnosis. 5. Drugs that prevent malaria are also used for symptoms of the skin or joints.6. It is important to have pneumonia and flu shots, to prevent an infection.我的造句:The reaction to a unpleasant event vary from time to time, and from person to person. For one person, the unpleasant thing may only cause a transient upset, while for another person it may lead a life-long demage.我的翻译:1.新生儿狼疮是一种十分罕的狼疮,通常由患有狼疮妇女传染给婴儿。2.所有治疗狼疮的药物都必须严格遵医嘱服用,且服用时间也要严格遵循医嘱。3.通过锻炼、放松、沉思和安排做事情的优先次序而实现这一点。1.Systemic lupus erythematosus2.Women and childbear-age may often get lupus,but anyone had either said that anyage can get it.3.Other symptoms may include being tired,being very sensitive to the sun,weight lost,anemia,hair lost ,sore in the mouth ,muscle ache and lose of appetite.4.Sometimes the butterfly of the skin can help with the diagnosis.5.Drugs that prevent malaria are also use for symptoms of the skin and joints.6.It is important th have pneumonia and flu shot to prevent infectiom.翻译:1.一种罕见的狼疮叫新生儿狼疮,这种狼疮是由部分患病的母亲传染给新生儿的。2.所有治疗狼疮的药物应该严格按照医嘱的剂量和时间服用。3.可以通过锻炼,放松,调整和系列优先权来减轻压力。造句: The symptom of Coronary heart disease vary from time to time,and from person to person.For one person,the disease may start with pain in the chest,while for other person it may start with infarction of heart muscle.以后请注意加密40分!simon81我的答案:1.Systemic lupus erythematosus 2.Women of childbearing age most often get lupus, but anyone of either sex, or any age can get it.3.Other symptoms may include being very tired, being very sensitive to the sun, weight loss, anemia, hair loss, sores in the mouth, muscle aches, and loss of appetite.4.Sometimes a biopsy of the skin can help with the diagnosis. 5. Drugs that prevent malaria are also used for symptoms of the skin or joints. 6.It is important to have pneumonia and flu shots, to prevent an infection.我的造句:The pain of ulcer vary from time to time, and from a person to another. In one person, the pain may be very mild , while in another person, it may be very serious. 我的翻译:1 新生儿狼疮是狼疮的一个罕见类型,见于某些狼疮女患的新生儿。2 狼疮的用药及用药时间都要严格遵循医嘱。3.可以通过运动、放松、思考,安排好时间等达到减压的目的。我的答案1. Systemic lupus erythematosus2. Women of child barren age most often get lupus, but anyone of ether sex or any age can get it.3.Other symptoms may include being very tired, being very sensitive to the sun, weight loss, anemia, hair loss, sore in the mouth, muscle aches, and loss of appetite.4. Some times the biopsy of skin can help with the diagnosis,5. Drugs that prevent malaria are also used for symptoms of the skin or joins.6. It is important to have nominee and flushers to prevent infections.我的造句The developments of economy in our country vary from time to time, and from place to place. For one place, the development characterized by industrial growth, while for another place it may characterized by agricultural growth.我的翻译:1.一种非常罕见的红斑狼疮叫做新生儿狼疮,发生在患狼疮的母亲生的孩子身上。2.治疗狼疮的药物必须由医生来在明确指定,并且服用的时间也是严格的。3.这可以通过运动、放松、冥想和优先规划来实现。我的答案1 systemic lupus erythematosus2 women of childbearing age most often get lupus, but anyone of either sex or any age can get it.3 other symptoms may include being very tired, being very sensitive to the sun, weight loss, anemia, hair loss, sores in the mouth, muscle aches and loss of appetite.4 sometimes a biopsy of the skin can help with the diagnosis.5 drugs that prevent malaria are also used for symptoms of the skin or joints.6 it is important to have pneumonia and flu shots to prevent an infection.我的翻译1 某些罹患狼疮的妇女所生育的婴儿也可患有狼疮,这种情况非常少见,称为新生儿狼疮。2 所有治疗狼疮的药物应该严格按照医生指导的用量及疗程服用。3 通过体育锻炼、放松休闲、沉思冥想以及张弛有度的生活方式达到身心健康的目的。(呵呵,不太清楚在这里set priorities具体怎么解释,就凑合着编了一句)我的造句The symptoms of rheumatic fever vary from time to time, and from person to person. For one child rheumatic fever may start with very mild symptoms, while for another child it may start with very serious symptoms.1. systemic lupus erythematosus2.women of child bearing age most often get lupus but anyone of either sex or any age can get it3.other symptoms may include being very tired, being very sensitive to the sun, weight loss, anemia, hair loss, sores in the mouth, muscle aches and loss of appetite4. sometimes a biopsy of the skin can help with the diagnosis5. drug that represent malaria are also used for symptom of the skin or joints6. it is important to have pneumonia and flu shot to prevent an infection造句The symptoms of headache vary from time to time, and from person to person. For one person, headache may start with mild symptoms, while for another person it may start with very serious symptoms.Translation一种很罕见的狼疮叫新生儿狼疮,它在患有狼疮的妇女的新生儿中发病。所有治疗狼疮的药物均应严格按照医嘱服用,并且只服用到医嘱规定的疗程。通过锻炼,放松,药物及设计好先做什么就能做到这一点。我的答案1.Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 2. Women and children being age most often get lupus. But everyone leading sex or any age can get it.3. Other symptoms may include being very tied, being very sensitive to the sun, weight loss, anemia, hair loss, thore in the mouth and loss of appetite.4.Sometimes the biopsy of the skin can help with diagnosis.5.Drugs that represent malaria are also used for the symptoms of joint.6. It is important to have pneumonia and flu shot to prevent infection.我的造句The symptoms of acute pancreatitis (AP) vary from time to time, and from person to person. For one person, AP may start with very mild abdominal pain, while for another person it may start with very serious vomitting.我的翻译1.新生儿狼疮是一种非常罕见的狼疮,通常发生在患有狼疮的妇女生育的新生儿。2. 所有用于治疗狼疮的药物都须按照医师处方中的剂量及时间服用。3. 可以通过体育锻炼,放松,药物及设定先后次序来解决。我的答案;1. Systemic lupus erythematosus2. Women of childbearing age most often get lupus, but anyone of either sex, or any age can get it.3. Other symptoms may include being very tired, being very sensitive to the sun, weight loss, anemia, hair loss, sores in the mouth, muscle aches, and loss of appetite.4. Sometimes a biopsy of the skin can help with the diagnosis.5. Drugs that prevent malaria are also used for symptoms of the skin or joints.6.It is important to have pneumonia and flu shots, to prevent an infection.我的造句.:The symptoms of vernal conjunctivitis vary from place to place,and from time to time.For one season,vernal conjunctivitis may start with very mild symptoms,while for another season it may start with very serious symptoms.我的翻译:1、一种非常罕见的狼疮叫做新生儿狼疮,这些新生儿的母亲都患有狼疮。2、所有治疗狼疮的药物都要严格按照提示服用,时间长短也一样。3、通过锻炼、放松、沉思、预先考虑来完成。我的答案:1.Systemic lupus erythematosus 2. Women of childbearing age most often get lupus, but anyone of either sex, or any age can get it. 3. Other symptoms may include being very tired, being very sensitive to the sun, weight loss, anemia, hair loss, sores in the mouth, muscle aches, and loss of appetite. 4.Sometimes a biopsy of the skin can help with the diagnosis. 5.Drugs that prevent malaria are also used for symptoms of the skin or joints.6.It is important to have pneumonia and flu shots, to prevent an infection.我的造句:The symptoms of flu vary from time to time,and from person to person.For one person,flu may start with light fever,while for another person it may start with throat pain.我的翻译:1.一种十分罕见的狼疮称为新生儿狼疮,通常患有狼疮妇女所生的婴儿易得此病.2.所有治疗狼疮的药物都必须按照医嘱严格服用,且服用的时间也应严格遵守医嘱.3.通过锻炼,放松,冥想,优先次序可以实现这一点.我的答案1、Systemic lupus erythematosus 2、Women of child bearing age most often get lupus, but anyone of either sex, or any age can get it. 3、Other symptoms may include being very tired, being very sensitive to the sun, weight loss, anemia, hair loss, sores in mouth, muscle aches, and loss of appetite. 4、Sometimes a biopsy of the skin can help the diagnosis. 5、Drugs that prevent malaria are also used for symptoms of the skin or joints. 6、It is important to have pneumonia and flu shots, to prevent the infection. 我的造句The feeling to the same thing may vary from time to time, and from person to person. For one person, it may be exciting, while for another person may be boring. 我的翻译1、新生儿狼疮很少见,一旦出现多见于其母亲是狼疮患者;2、所有治疗狼疮药物的用量及服用时间都必须严格依据医嘱;3、运动、放松、药物治疗等都有助于缓解压力。我的答案;1.Systemic Lupus Erythematosus2.women of child-bearing age most often get lupus but anyone of either sick or any age can get it3.other symptoms may include being very tired ,being very sensitive to the sun wih macula and erythema,hair lose ,sores in the mouth, muscle ache,and lose the appetite4.Sometimes the butterfly shaped of the skin can help with the diagnosis5.drugs that prevent are also multisystem used present the skin or joint6.it’s important to have NSAIDs and flow shut to prevent the inflammation 我的造句:the intelligence of human vary from time to time, and from person to person.For one person, intelligence may start with very high, while for another person it may start with very low.我的翻译:1.狼疮中有一种形式的狼疮称作新生狼疮,它们常影响患有狼疮母亲所生的新生儿中,这种狼疮很少见。2.所有治疗狼疮的药物都必须谨遵医嘱,而且只能在医嘱所规定的时间内服用。3.这可以通过运动,放松自己,服用药物,合理休息来完成。我的答案:1 Systemic lupus erythematosus2 Women of childbearing age most often get lupus, but anyone of either sex, or any age can get it.3 Other symptoms may include being very tired, being very sensitive to the sun, weight loss, anemia, hair loss, sores in the mouth, muscle aches, and loss of appetite.4 Sometimes a biopsy of the skin can help with the diagnosis.5 Drugs that prevent malaria are also used for symptoms of the skin or joints.6 It is important to have pneumonia and flu shots, to prevent an infection.我的造句:The feels of love vary from time to time, and from person to person. For one person, love may start with very natural feel, while for another person it may start with very world-shaking feel.我的翻译:1 一种十分罕的狼疮称为新生儿狼疮,通常患者的母亲患有狼疮。2 所有治疗狼疮的药物都必须严格按照医嘱服用,且服用的长短也要严格按照医嘱进行。3 通过锻炼、放松、沉思并且设定优先顺序。1.systemic lupus erythematosus2.women of ** age most often get lupus,but anyone of either sex or anyage can get it.3.other symptoms include being very tired,being very sensentive to the sun、**、anemia、source of 、muscle aches,and lots of。4.sometimes the ** of the skin can help the diagnose.5.drugs that pretend ** are also used for symptoms of the skin or joints.6.it is important to have ** to prevent infection.一种非常罕见的类型称之为新生儿狼疮,如果孕妇有这种疾病将会影响新生儿。所有用于治疗狼疮的药物都应按医嘱服用并且按时服用。可以通过参加锻炼、适当的放松、减轻精神压力,并制定合理顺序来减轻压力、保持良好状态。the global climate varies from longitude to longitude, and from latitude to latitude. for one country,one of the districts may be in summer,meanwhile the other district may be in winter.我的答案;1.Systemic Lupus Erythematosus2.Women of charge in marrage most often get lupus,but anyone in either sex or any age can get it.3.Other symptoms may include being very tired, being very sensitive to the sun,weight loss,anemia,hair loss,sore in the mouth,muscle ache and loss appetite.4.Sometimes biospy of the skin can help with diagnosis.5.drug that prevent malaria allows you present a symptoms of the skin or joint.6.It is important to have emollient and fluid sol. to prevent infection.我的造句:The treatment of pulmonary carcinoma varies from fact to fact,and from person to person.For one person,the treatment may be surgery, while for another person it may be chemotherapy.我的翻译:一种相当少见的狼疮形式叫新生儿狼疮,它影响那些由患有狼疮的妇女生下来的新生儿。所有的治疗狼疮的药物应该由医师开出并正确服用,和服用足够长的时间。这可以通过运动、娱乐、服药和安排计划来减轻压力。答案已经公布!A very rare form of lupus called neonatal lupus affects newborn babies of some women who have lupus.参考翻译:新生儿狼疮是一种少见的狼疮(类型),见于一些患有狼疮的妇女所生的新生儿。All medicines for lupus should be taken exactly as the provider orders them and only for the length of time ordered.参考翻译:所有治疗狼疮的药物均应严格按照医嘱服用,并且只服用到医嘱规定的疗程。Xudi_7治疗狼疮药物的服用方法及疗程都应仅遵医嘱。治疗狼疮的所有药物的服药方法,包括疗程长短必须严格按照医嘱执行。服药方法包含有服药的时间长短,and only for the length of time ordered 起一种强调作用,所以用“包括… …” 所有治疗狼疮的药物都必须谨遵医嘱,而且只能在医嘱所规定的时间内服用。狼疮的用药包括用药时间都要严格遵循医嘱执行。以上两句用 “所规定的时间内服用”和“用药时间”,意思不明确,容易和“什么时候用药”混淆,建议用“用药时间的长短”或“疗程”。This can be done with exercise, relaxation, meditation, and setting priorities参考翻译:这些可以通过锻炼身体、放松娱乐、药物(误译,应为冥想,一种养生方法)以及合理安排生活工作来实现。shenpy0130可以通过参加娱乐健身活动,沉思冥想以及合理安排自己的工作和生活来实现。重点在怎样翻译: setting priorities 字面翻译为设定优先次序、规划重点或优先规划等。在此句中个人认为可以意译为“合理安排工作和生活”等。要结合上句来看,It is important to stay well and keep stress low. 有安排、有计划,生活工作才不会乱套,对一个长期患病的人来说,更应该统筹安排自己的工作和生活以及治疗,才能缓解压力,保持相对健康。欢迎继续讨论!